Free English as a Second Language Classes

The English as a Second Language Program at Foundation Communities offers free English classes for adults living in the Austin area.

Classes are designed and delivered by a team of instructors and volunteers to help students reach their professional, educational, and personal goals. Each year we serve English learners from over 40 different countries and language backgrounds.

About Our Classes

Our ESL classes are offered in South Austin on Mondays and Thursdays at two different times:

  • Morning Session: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
  • Evening Session: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Our classes are tuition-free and offered to residents of Travis County. Childcare is available for children ages 6 months and up during class time.

The waitlist for ESL classes is closed. Check again after March 21st. 

For enrollment information, please contact us by email or phone: / (512) 610-4020

El Programa de Inglés como Segundo Idioma de Foundation Communities ofrece clases de inglés gratuitas por adultos que viven en y alrededor de Austin.

Las clases son desenados y dados por un equipo de instructores y voluntarios para que los estudiantes puedan cumplir sus metas profesionales, educativas, y personales. Cada año servimos a estudiantes de inglés de más de 40 países y orígenes lingüísticos.

A group of ESL students seated and listening to a professor standing at the head of the table

Sobre Nuestras Clases

Nuestras clases de ESL se ofrecen en Sur de Austin los lunes y jueves en dos horarios diferentes:

  • Sesión Matutina: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
  • Sesión Vespertina: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Nuestras clases son gratuitas para los residentes del Condado de Travis. Ofrecemos cuidado de niños para niños de 6 meses en adelante.

Para unirse a la lista de espera HAGA CLIC AQUI.
Por información sobre matriculación, favor de contactarnos por correo electrónico o teléfono: / (512) 610-4020

Contact Us / Contáctenos

Email / Correo Electrónico:
Phone / Teléfono: 512-610-4020

About our Community Learning Centers

Foundation Communities’ on-site Learning Centers are the hub for many of our education programs including after-school and summer programs for children and teens and our English as a Second Language classes for adults.

By providing education programs right where people live, we eliminate the barriers of transportation, cost and childcare.