
In response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Foundation Communities is maintaining essential operations and support services with modifications:
– Food pantries will remain available to residents at their normal times, with modified procedures. Please email with more questions.
– You can also access food by going to and click on the Find Food Now button and enter a zip code to find all available food resources in that area.
– Our clinical case management services will continue as needed and remotely.
En reacción al COVID-19, Foundation Communities está manteniendo nuestros operaciones esenciales y servicios de apoyo, con modificaciones:
– Las despensas de comida en sitios residenciales permanecerá disponible a los residentes al tiempo normal, pero con procedimientos modificados. Puede enviar las preguntas a
– Los servicios de manejo de casos continuará remotamente según sea necesario.
Foundation Communities is committed to improving the health of our residents and neighbors. We provide vital health care services on-site, including access to integrated primary and mental health care and substance abuse counseling, as well as opportunities to engage in a wide range of physical activity, nutrition, and community health programs.
The volunteers and staff on our Health Coverage team enroll hard-working families and individuals in new, affordable health insurance plans, providing them with peace of mind for the future.
Since 2014, we helped over 44,000 Central Texas families
enroll in affordable health insurance plans.
Learn More About Our Health Programs
Assistance with affordable health insurance enrollment for working families and individuals.
Integrated mental health, substance abuse, and primary care services for single adults living at our efficiency studio apartments.
On-site health programming, including physical activity, nutrition, and community health.
“Foundation Communities gave me a chance to get my life back on track. It’s one of the best things to ever happen to me. Now I get to help other people get healthy too.”
– Keith Hines, Spring Terrace Resident Health Champion