Prosper Centers

Prosper Financial Wellness

Prosper Financial Wellness is a FREE service available to individuals who make less than $60,000/year and households of 2-4 that make less than $85,000/year. Income limit increases by $5,000 for each additional family member.

Program Services

Financial Coaching

Magnifying glass and dollar sign icon
Financial Coaching is a free service provided by trained volunteers who can work with you one-on-one to make sure you have the tools, resources, and encouragement you need reach your financial goals. Fresh Start Loan helps borrowers get out of predatory loans such as payday and title loans.

Benefits Assistance

Financial Wellness is excited to launch Benefits Assistance, where trained benefits enrollment specialists will assist people with benefits enrollment and renewal on YourTexasBenefits.

For Foundation Communities Residents

Rent and utility assistance is only available to residents of Foundation Communities housing who have recently faced a financial emergency and have been struggling to make payment. Our rent reporting service is the monthly reporting of rental payments to all three major consumer credit bureaus for inclusion on a traditional consumer credit report.


Financial Coaching

Financial Coaches are available by appointment only. Virtual appointments by phone or Zoom are available on weekdays, evenings, and Saturdays. In-person services available by appointment only at our two Prosper Center locations.

Prior to your appointment, please read our letter of agreement.


One-on-one financial coaches can help with the following:

Now offering Fresh Start loans! A Fresh Start loan helps borrowers build credit, while saving them over $500 in the long run. This flexible loan never charges extra fees and offers APRs significantly below typical payday and title loans, regardless of borrower’s credit score. Fresh Start loans reports to all three major credit bureaus. Schedule an appointment to see if you are eligible.
Our credit building services include learning how to check your credit, reviewing it with you, and creating a plan for improving your score.
Identify your debt in collections and creating a plan for reducing and resolving outstanding debts.
Budget planning is creating and maintaining a budget, and then using it to help guide financial decisions. Our partnership with YNAB (You Need a Budget) allows our clients access to a yearlong subscription to a personal budgeting app for free.
We help determine your financial goals and a savings plan that will help you save for a specific event or goal.

An icon that reads 'How Money smart are you?'

This is a suite of 14 games and related resources about everyday financial topics. It’s based on FDIC’s award-winning Money Smart program. Play the games here and register your account through our organization, “Prosper Centers.”

Our English / Spanish financial coaching flyer

Download the English / Spanish version of the Financial Coaching flyer (PDF)

Benefits Assistance

Bringing benefits assistance for you
Financial Wellness is excited to launch Benefits Assistance in 2023, where trained benefits assistance specialists will assist people with enrolling and renewing in benefits on Enrolling in benefits can be confusing, especially if you’re unsure if you qualify for specific resources. By meeting with a Benefits Enrollment Specialist, not only will we help determine what you’re qualified for, but we’ll walk you through the application process. Our Specialists are also available to connect you to additional resources as needed.
What benefits do we assist with?


Need to apply or renew your benefits?
Please contact us or use the scheduler below to set up an appointment.
Review our list of required documents for your appointment here.
For questions about the program, call 737-249-6394 or email

If you do not see an appointment available, please check back again next week. Appointment availability opens up each week.

Si no ve una cita disponible, por favor de volver a consultar la próxima semana. Cada semana se abre nuevas disponibilidades.

For Foundation Communities Residents

Learn about the programs available exclusively to residents of Foundation Communities housing.

Rent Reporting Service
Interested in improving your credit score? Join our rent reporting program!

Rent Reporting is available at the following Foundation Communities properties:

      • Daffodil
      • Cherry Creek
      • Buckingham
      • The Jordan
      • Live Oak Trails
      • M Station
      • Sierra Ridge
      • Sierra Vista
      • Southwest Trails
      • Vintage Creek
      • Cardinal Point
      • Homestead Oaks

Benefits of rent reporting include:
      • Build credit without assuming additional debt
      • Build credit for something you’re already doing
To learn how you can build your credit by paying your rent, contact Lauren Warner at

View our frequently asked questions on rent reporting here.


Rent and Utility Assistance
If you live in a Foundation Communities residence and have experienced a hardship or emergency, you may be eligible to receive assistance in your rent and utility bills.

To apply for rent or utility assistance, contact an on-site staff member—such as a Property Manager, Resident Services Coordinator, Case Manager, or Learning Center Manager. You can also call our Prosper Centers at 737-717-4000 or email

For more information on rent assistance, click here. For more information on utility assistance, click here.


Q1: Do I need to be a resident to use the programs?
A: Not at all! If you meet our eligibility requirements, you can utilize our financial coaching service, classes, and Fresh Start Loans. The only services that are Foundation Communities resident specific our Rent Reporting Program and Rent and Utility Assistance.
Q2: Is financial coaching in-person or virtual?
A: Financial coaching appointments can be either virtual or in-person depending on your preference. You will be given the option when signing up for an appointment. In the “Select Service” drop down on the appointment scheduler, you’ll be able to define if you want to come to one of our offices or do a session remotely.
Q3: Who are the coaches?
A: Our talented financial coaches range from professionals in financial services, people who are experts of solving mistakes they’ve once made, and friendly people who want to help you out! When you schedule a financial coaching appointment, you can read more about each coach by clicking on their name.
Q4: How long do appointments last?
A: Appointments are typically an hour long. If you need to schedule a follow up, your coach will can help you schedule your next appointment.
Q5: How much information am I required to share?
A: You’re not obligated to share anything you’re not comfortable with. For a well-rounded appointment, we recommend sharing as much as you can about what you would like help improving on. Our coaches are not here to judge you nor want to make you feel ashamed of your financial history. We’ll work with you to ensure you feel financially confident.


Meet Felix

Felix Cook has been meeting with his financial coach since 2015 after being in financial ruin. Over the last seven years, Felix’s financial coach has provided perspective, encouragement, and the time and space to make a plan and Felix has done the hard work of executing the plan. At the end of the day, it’s a team effort. Read the blog post about Felix
Meet Miguel

With over 1,600 volunteer hours and more than 350 mentees, Miguel Stoupignan has shared his knowledge by teaching financial literacy that leads to a better life. Miguel began in 2013 to volunteer with Foundation Communities and has since then been a financial coach, prepared taxes, and taught money management classes in addition to fundraising for the organization.

Click here to learn more about what the Financial Wellness team has accomplished! (PDF)

Find us on Social Media!


Call the Prosper Centers at 737-717-4000.

Meet Our Staff

Julia Pynes, Financial Wellness Program Manager
Lauren Warner, Financial Wellness Program Coordinator
Joe Ceceno, Financial Case Manager
Jessica Valdez, Benefits Enrollment Coordinator
Cesar Siavichay-Diaz, Benefits Enrollment Specialist
Grace LaDuca, Benefits Enrollment Specialist
Alejandra Gavilanes, Benefits Enrollment Specialist

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