Hi there!

You might be asking yourself, What the heck is “creative community development?” The short answer is that it integrates arts, culture, and community engagement into design and development processes. It might sound like it’s all fun and games (and arts & crafts), but this work can seriously affect how we live, work, and grow in our communities.
At FC, we don’t just want our communities to look beautiful, we want them to function beautifully. That’s why we’re using Creative Community Development techniques to integrate arts, culture, and wellness into our community design, resident life, and staff experience.
This blog will be a place to follow that journey and to share the creative practices of our incredible residents, staff, and community members. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do- maybe it will even inspire your own creative practice!
Be well,
P.S. If you want to get in touch, we’re just an email away at FCcreates@foundcom.org.