Category Archives: FC Creates: Staff


FC Creates 2020 Showcase Spotlight: Alicia Beatrice

November 27, 2020 | Posted in FC Creates: Events, FC Creates: Staff, FC Creates: Arts, FC Creates | Keywords: , , , , ,

Artist: Alicia Beatrice Pronouns: she/her/hers Art Submission(s): Poem, “Self Hatred”; Isaac song, “I’m Here” * * * Alicia Beatrice has been a performer and artist since she was in grade […]


FC Creates 2020 Showcase Spotlight: Stephanie Bernal

November 26, 2020 | Posted in FC Creates, FC Creates: Arts, FC Creates: Staff, FC Creates: Events | Keywords: , , ,

Artist: Stephanie Bernal Pronouns: she/her/hers Art Submission(s): Paint and sealant on wood, “Judo Chop” * * * Lover of animals and creation, Stephanie Bernal hones her artistic talents by pulling […]


Community Spotlight: Creative Minds

April 9, 2020 | Posted in FC Creates, FC Creates: Culture, FC Creates: Residents, FC Creates: Staff | Keywords: , , ,

Anyone who’s been to Garden Terrace, one of our properties in South Austin, can’t help but notice that creativity abounds. There are painters, poets, musicians, writers performers, and crafters of […]