Category Archives: Health


Medical Bill Debt and Collections

May 3, 2022 | Posted in Financial Stability, Health |

Medical bills can be confusing and overwhelming and often come at a time when you’re already in distress. If this sounds like you or a loved one, below is information that can help currently and in the future. Know Your Rights and Protections No Surprises Act o   You should not receive unexpected bills for emergency […]


Retiree “Neighbors Up” with Health Food Pantries

February 21, 2022 | Posted in Healthy Initiatives, Get Involved, Volunteer |

Mary Sapp could be spending lots of time visiting loved ones, doing hobbies or just relaxing. But, that’s not who she is. The retired advocate for the aging volunteers with Foundation Communities support services programs. Ten years ago, Mary started with Financial Coaching. She later began working with students in the ESL program. Now, at […]


Health Initiatives Program Awarded Large Grant for COVID-19 Outreach, Education

December 17, 2021 | Posted in Healthy Initiatives, Health |

Foundation Communities is honored to have been awarded a grant of $126,365 for COVID-19 vaccine outreach and education from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and the Texas A&M University Health Science Center. The grant is part of an $8.6 million effort to fund local organizations across the state through the Texas Vaccine […]


Foundation Communities is Making Signing up for Marketplace Health Plans Simple

November 24, 2021 | Posted in Health |

Simply put, Foundation Communities’ Health Coverage team is on a mission to simplify health insurance enrollment for clients, and to enroll many more clients. “This is a really big year for the Marketplace in Texas because we have more providers, more plans, and more financial assistance than ever before,” said Aaron DeLaO, Director of Health […]


Capital Studios Resident Was Full of Life, Despite Health Issues

September 16, 2021 | Posted in Affordable Housing, Housing, Health |

We are saddened to note that Manny Nanez passed away on May 6, 2022. We are continuing to publish his story below as a tribute to the contributions he made to the community at Capital Studios.  Manny Nanez greets everyone he meets as he walks around Capital Studios. As a Community Engagement Specialist, he’s constantly […]


Foundation Communities Awarded $3M to Help More Families and Individuals Secure Health Coverage

August 31, 2021 | Posted in Healthy Initiatives, Health |

This just in: our Health Coverage program has been awarded a $1 million federal grant for the next three years! This win will help us sustain the program, plus expand Health Insurance Enrollment to now serve 12 counties, including several rural counties in our region. “Our team is excited and looking forward to utilizing this […]


Foundation Communities Residents Deliver Food, Hope During Pandemic

June 20, 2021 | Posted in Affordable Housing, Housing, Health |

The Foundation Communities Supported Employment Program allows FC residents to receive work experience and pay as they provide vital services for neighbors in their communities. This video takes us on the job with some supported employees as they sort and pack food items for delivery to other FC residents.  This food delivery program became more […]


Internship Helps St. Edward’s Student Nourish her Love for Helping Others – Vivian Phillips

May 14, 2021 | Posted in Healthy Initiatives, Volunteer |

I knew I wanted to gain more experience in the nonprofit sector and my internship at Foundation Communities helped me do just that. I was the volunteer engagement intern and I helped with the Holiday Assistance Program and Tax Help. My favorite project was the Holiday Assistance program since I got to help organize the […]


¿Soy elegible para un plan de médico del Mercado de Salud?

November 16, 2020 | Posted in Financial Stability, Health |

La mejor manera de determinar su elegibilidad para un plan médico del Mercado de Salud es inscribirse en una cita de admisión con uno de nuestros especialistas en seguros médicos. En general, para ser elegible, debe ser ciudadano de los EE. UU. O estar presente legalmente en los EE. UU., Y no debe estar encarcelado […]


Am I eligible for a Marketplace health plan?

October 30, 2020 | Posted in Financial Stability, Health |

The best way to determine your eligibility for a Marketplace health plan is to sign up for an intake appointment with one of our health insurance specialists. In general, to be eligible you must be a citizen of the U.S. or be lawfully present in the U.S., and you must not currently be incarcerated. Visit […]