Financial Education Spotlight: The Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner offers financial education webinars and resources to all Texans

November 24, 2020 | Posted in Financial Stability |


The Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner aims to create a fair, lawful, and healthy credit environment that grows economic prosperity for all Texans. They regulate certain lenders and creditors, and provide consumers with:

Financial Education Webinars – Thursdays in December

Budgeting Basics (Dec. 3, 2020 at 10 am): During our Budgeting Basics presentation we will go over how to track and budget your monthly expenses while setting a financial goals.

Credit 101 (Dec. 10 at 10 am): How often do you check your credit report? Do you know how to dispute something if you find something wrong in credit report? Get the answers to these questions and ask your own during this webinar.

Credit & Saving for Young Adults (Dec. 17, 2020 at 10 am): This webinar goes over the basics of credit and saving. It is meant to be a beginner level presentation for teens and young adults.

Financial Education Resources

budgeting worksheet to help get you on track.

The “4 Steps to Financial Recovery” pamphlet highlights a few helpful steps to recover financially and rebuild credit after experiencing a financial setback.

The Q&A style brochure, Building A Better Credit Report can help if you’re shopping for a car, applying for a job, looking for a home, or simply getting your financial house in order.

El folleto redactado en un estilo de preguntas y respuestas, Para Lograr un Mejor Informe de Crédito, puede ayudarlo si está por comprar un carro o por presentar una solicitud de empleo, o si está buscando una casa, o simplemente está poniendo sus finanzas en orden.

And don’t forget that our Prosper Center Financial Coaches are here to help you create your personalized budgeting and credit plans. Schedule your Zoom or phone Financial Coaching session by calling our Prosper Centers at 737-717-4000, or by visiting our web site, Financial Coaching will be closed Dec. 24-Jan. 4.