FC Creates 2020 Showcase Spotlight: Michael Huckaby

December 5, 2020 | Posted in FC Creates: Events, FC Creates: Residents, FC Creates: Arts, FC Creates | Keywords: , , , , ,

Artist: Mike Huckaby

Pronouns: he/him/his

Art Submission(s): Photography, “Snoopy Sunset”, “Mustang Island Sunrise”, “Morning Storm”

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“I had an unusual yet remarkable childhood,” Mike explains as he describes a bit about his background. “In my adult years I held a variety of positions from factory work to a Vice President with a financial institution. I have seen so many aspects of life and I want to draw attention to the beauty around us.”

We are pleased to be spotlighting that beauty which Mark captures in his photographs, as well as share his insights, in this year’s FC Creates showcase!

Snoopy Sunset, Mustang Island Sunrise, Morning Storm

We’ll start with describing your creative work/practice: What tools do you use? Do you have a routine?

With my photography I tend to wait and let it happen. I frame the shot in my mind and then in the lens. Pretty simple really. With my writing I take a few hours in the morning but carry a pocket sized notebook with me to jot down ideas.

What does your work aim to say? Why do you create?

It varies depending on my mood and events. I try to stay positive and hope that I cane bring a calm inspiration to folks. I enjoy the process.

Who/What are your biggest influences? Who/what inspires you?

The power of nature inspires me.

How have you developed your practice? What challenges and opportunities have you come across? How has your practice changed over time?

I’m more relaxed now. I take my time and don’t feel pressured to hurry. I allow myself to make mistakes.

What are you most proud of? Why?

My family. They are Awesome!

What is your dream project?

To photograph something never before seen.

“I’m more relaxed now. I take my time and don’t feel pressured to hurry. I allow myself to make mistakes.”

How do you share your creative practice and with whom?

I share with friends and family.

Has living at Foundation Communities impacted your practice? If so, how?

FC has helped me rekindle my passion to write. I took the Free Minds writing seminar a few years back, and it set off a spark. Living here has given me peace of security, and allowed me to develop time to work on projects.

What art/culture trend do you love right now? What trend do you wish you could forget?

I like the Saatchi Art trend…for now.

What delights you? What brings you joy?

Sometimes people, sometimes peace and quiet. Always my family.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Only worry about the fleas in your own circus, you can’t worry about someone else’s fleas. (Don’t meddle in others affairs)

What is the worst piece of advice you’ve been given?

Go with the flow! If you just go with the flow you are aimless, adrift and at the mercy of other people’s will.

What piece of advice would you like to give?

Trust yourself, if you’re right, you’re right, and if not you learned something.

What’s your favorite way to celebrate?

A few close friends, great food and music!

“Trust yourself, if you’re right, you’re right, and if not you learned something.”

What’s your favorite book/piece of writing, song/album, movie/TV show, play/live performance, piece of art, food/drink, place, or animal?

My favorite book in “The Good Earth” by Pearl S. Buck. I have read it countless times and owned several copies. It’s a great lessen in money wont make you happy.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? What’s the last thing you do before going to bed?

I pray, then read a chapter of the Bible while I brew coffee. Then I write. At night I spend an hour in quiet reflection of the day and then I pray.

Something that’s really important to you that has nothing to do with your work:

Peoples safety at the moment.

What role do artists and culture-bearers have in society? What role could/should they have?

They both influence and take a snapshot of society and that’s proper.

What do creatives need in order to thrive? What do you need in order to be creative?

Security; both monetary and personal. And freedom. A safe place to create.

“[Artists] both influence and take a snapshot of society…”

What was the last thing that made you: Laugh? Cry? Blush?

A meme I saw on facebook.

What are you really into right now?

Art Deco! I love it!

One thing/person/idea/group/event/place/etc. everyone should know about:


Who is an artist? What does it mean to be creative?

Its a form of expression and everyone can find an outlet for expression.

What is culture? What does it mean to be a culture-bearer

Culture is the refection of who we are and our connection to our past. It’s important to keep that connection.