Record Number of Families Request Support from Holiday Assistance Program

December 3, 2022 | Posted in Housing, Affordable Housing, Financial Stability |

Seven-year-old Zoe is a big fan of unicorns, Santa Claus and the magic of Christmas. Her mother Heather wants to keep it that way. Last year didn’t bring as much holiday cheer. Heather and Zoe’s father lost their home, and then they split up, leaving the mother and daughter living off Heather’s small disability check. They were forced to bounce around between the homes of relatives and friends. Heather says Zoe handled it with maturity.

“She says mommy the world doesn’t revolve around money. It revolves around love. No matter what, mommy’s gonna make sure I don’t go without,” said Heather.

Click on the image to watch a message from Heather to the Holiday Assistance program sponsors.

Zoe was right. In July, Heather was accepted in our Children’s HOME Initiative. The program provides rental assistance for their apartment at Homestead Oaks. Also, Heather is excited to be working for the first time in seven years. They’re looking forward to enjoying the holidays alone and receiving gifts through the Holiday Assistance program. Zoe is expecting Santa to bring her a Gabby’s Dollhouse. Heather’s wish is that soon they’ll be in a financial position to donate to other families who need assistance.

Our Holiday Assistance Program invites generous Central Texans to sponsor a family living in one of our affordable communities – purchasing the gifts they’ve requested or gift cards. We’re also accepting donations to help families and individuals who are struggling to pay rent, and to help them buy groceries, holiday meals and household items. The program takes on added importance this year with prices rising. This year, we’ve had a record number of families, about 750, request support. The deadline to sign up to be a sponsor is December 5th, but you can still join the giving at