Community Spotlight: Creative Minds

April 9, 2020 | Posted in FC Creates, FC Creates: Culture, FC Creates: Residents, FC Creates: Staff | Keywords: , , ,

Anyone who’s been to Garden Terrace, one of our properties in South Austin, can’t help but notice that creativity abounds. There are painters, poets, musicians, writers performers, and crafters of all kinds!
Resident artwork is always on display at Garden Terrace!

Resident artwork is always on display at Garden Terrace!

For years, they’ve been supported by FC staff through a group called “Creative Minds.” It’s a safe space for anyone to share creative projects they’ve been working on, ask questions about others’ creative processes, or just sit back and enjoy the creativity of their neighbors. This group has inspired several of our other properties to start their own creative sharing groups.

Now that we’re physically isolated, we can’t gather all together, so we’ve been forced to use those creative minds of ours to find new ways to connect. This blog is one of them. We’ve had artists from different properties on conference calls, sharing ideas and giving updates on works-in-progress. Staff members are sharing their creative activities and practices, and maybe even trying new ones!

In non-distancing times, this is a space to gather, read and relax.

In these strange times, I’ve been inspired to start groups like this with my friends, some of whom are in other cities or states– we get together on a video chat and share a creative project we’re working on. Or we’ll decorate cards or postcards to mail so we can stay connected. Or sometime’s we’ll just text a quick photo– “made this today!”– and be met with encouragement and emojis.

How are you staying connected to your creative community? Have you returned to an old creative practice or started a new one? How has your creative mind been finding solutions to the unique conditions we’re in? Do you have a favorite DIY or project you’ve been working on?

Welcome to FC Creates! (What is it?)

April 2, 2020 | Posted in FC Creates, FC Creates: Community Development, FC Creates: Arts, FC Creates: Culture | Keywords: ,

Hi there!
My name is Olivia and I’m an Enterprise Rose Fellow in Austin, TX working as part of “FC Creates” with Foundation Communities (FC, for short) . FC’s goal is to create housing where families succeed, and the role of FC Creates is to support that through Creative Community Development (AKA Creative Placemaking).
You might be asking yourself, What the heck is “creative community development?” The short answer is that it integrates arts, culture, and community engagement into design and development processes. It might sound like it’s all fun and games (and arts & crafts), but this work can seriously affect how we live, work, and grow in our communities.
At FC, we don’t just want our communities to look beautiful, we want them to function beautifully. That’s why we’re using Creative Community Development techniques to integrate arts, culture, and wellness into our community design, resident life, and staff experience.
This blog will be a place to follow that journey and to share the creative practices of our incredible residents, staff, and community members. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do- maybe it will even inspire your own creative practice!
Be well,
P.S. If you want to get in touch, we’re just an email away at

COVID 19 UPDATE: To protect the health of our residents and on site staff, we are need of several critical items!

April 1, 2020 | Posted in In the News | Keywords: , ,

Right now, Foundation Communities needs:

  •  – Handmade mask
  •  – Thermometers
  •  – Gloves
  •  – Clorox wipes
  •  – Hand sanitizer
  •  – Fingertip Pulse Oximeters

Please email: for delivery options.

Foundation Communities Maintains and Modifies Essential Operations and Support Services in Response to COVID-19

March 13, 2020 | Posted in In the News |

Foundation Communities is maintaining essential operations and support services with modifications, in an effort to reduce the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

“The health and well-being of our residents, clients, employees, and volunteers is important to us at Foundation Communities. In an effort to reduce the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community we are following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to practice social distancing and limiting gatherings in public places,” says Aaron DeLaO, Director of Health Initiatives.

Children’s Home Initiative will continue to receive applications. Email

Learning Centers will follow AISD closures but will provide tools to enable students to continue learning from home.

Prosper Centers will continue to prepare tax returns using a drop-off service model.

Food pantries will remain available to residents at their normal times, with modified procedures. Please email with more questions.

The College Hub will remain open by phone only. Click here to schedule a phone appointment or email

The Health Coverage program will remain open by phone only. Students can call (512) 381-4520 to schedule a phone appointment.

Out of an abundance of caution, these closures and modified operations will remain in effect until further notice and other programs may be limited or cancelled to help keep residents and clients safe in response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Check here for frequent updates as the situation continues to change.

Foundation Communities Maintiene y Modifica Operaciones Esenciales y Servicios de Apoyo en Reacción al COVID-19

March 13, 2020 | Posted in In the News |

En reacción al nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19), Foundation Communities está manteniendo nuestros operaciones esenciales y servicios de apoyo, con modificaciones.

“La salud y el bienestar de nuestros residentes, clientes, empleados y voluntarios son importantes para nosotros en Foundation Communities. En un esfuerzo a reducir la propagación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) en nuestra comunidad, estamos siguiendo las recomendaciones de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para practicar el distanciamiento social y limitar las reuniones en áreas públicas,” dice Aaron DeLaO, Director de Iniciativas de Salud.

Puede enviar las solicitudes para Children’s Home Initiative a

Los Learning Centers sigue los cierres de AISD, pero vamos a dar recursos para que los estudiantes pueden continuar sus educación en sus propias casas.

Los Prosper Centers continuará preparando declaraciones de impuestos, pero solo aceptará los documents dejado en sitio.

Las despensas de comida en sitios residenciales permanecerá disponible a los residentes al tiempo normal, pero con procedimientos modificados. Puede enviar las preguntas a

La College Hub continuará aceptar las citas por teléfono. Haz clic aquí para obtener cita por teléfono o puede enviar las preguntas a

La programa de seguro de salud continuará aceptar las citas por teléfono. Llama a (512) 381-4520 para obtener una cita por teléfono.

Por precaución, estos cierres y operaciones modificadas permanecerán en efecto hasta próximo aviso y otros programas pueden ser limitados o cancelados para ayudar a mantener la salud y seguridad a nuestros residentes y clientes en respuesta al Nuevo Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Consulte aquí las actualizaciones frecuentes a medida que la situación cambia.

Stand Up and Be Counted

March 10, 2020 | Posted in Get Involved, Volunteer, In the News | Keywords: ,

Did you know that the census happens once every 10 years, is required by law to complete and that your responses will shape our community’s future?

Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to support medical assistance and healthcare programs, housing assistance, supplemental food and nutrition programs, highway planning and construction, education programs and more.

Who is counted? EVERYONE! Your answers to the survey are safe and everyone should be counted regardless of citizenship or immigration status.

Foundation Communities has a team of trained volunteers working to make sure our residents and tax program clients understand the impact and importance of the census and are counted.

For more information, contact

FC Doubles Solar Capacity in Four Years

September 25, 2019 | Posted in Green Building, Affordable Housing, Housing | Keywords: , , ,

Kermit the Frog may have said it best: “It’s not easy being green.” Building green may have its challenges, but Foundation Communities has continued to find ways to build beautiful, affordable housing for residents in need, while allowing us to continue to let our green-side shine through.

We have made great strides in our green building initiatives, said Katelynn Essig, Foundation Communities’ sustainability manager. Since 2014, we have more than doubled our solar capacity and now have nearly 1.1 Megawatts installed across 14 properties.

“We have saved enough greenhouse gas emissions, it’s like removing 4,300 cars from the road for one year!” Essig said. “We beat our goal to reach 1 Megawatt of installed solar 2 years early and are excited to see what unfolds as we continue to build beautiful, green, affordable housing.”

With our newest community, The Jordan at Mueller, opening later in 2019 and Waterloo Terrace, now under construction along MoPac Expressway near The Domain, we will continue to add to our green building and solar energy initiatives.

Read more about our green values.

Teacher Brings Love, Respect to the Classroom

July 29, 2019 | Posted in Education | Keywords: , , , ,

Silvia Villacorta was teaching at a Montessori school in Costa Rica when she got the call. The principal at St. Elmo Elementary School invited her to create an early-education program to help youngsters’ years before they step into an elementary school.

The program is a partnership between AISD and Foundation Communities, and beacause of its success will expand during the 2019-20 school year to two additional classrooms, two at Sierra Vista and one at Vintage Creek, Silvia said.

With 22 years of teaching experience, a master’s degree in human rights and experience founding educational programs in Spain, Silvia was excited to build a program with strong community involvement.

“It has been a nurturing, sweet place to be. We talk a lot about love and respect,” Silvia said of the Pre-K-3 program.

Her background in instructional design and Montessori education helped her create an environment where children work independently, build social, emotional learning skills and where families engage in their children’s’ educational growth.

A place where kids love to learn.

The love and respect the program fosters is evident. Parents don’t drop off their children and leave, they are invited to stay and eat breakfast with them, giving Silvia an opportunity to talk with them and build bonds.

“Children are encouraged to go around the classroom and freely choose what they want to do. The learning experiences are based on self-motivation… All of the materials are created for their developmental levels and are easily accessible,” she said.

“Our program is so full of joy because as educators, we love our job,” Silvia said. “I will summarize it in a quote from my beloved and admired educator, Dr. Maria Montessori, ‘I didn’t come here to teach you, I came here to love you. … Love will teach you.’ Each child that crosses our door gets real, authentic love. And, love teaches.”


Grant Funds to Benefit Community Tax Centers

June 26, 2019 | Posted in Tax Services, Financial Stability, Volunteer |

Since 2016, Terri Pensock has volunteered at our Community Tax Centers and as a Financial Coach. On behalf of Foundation Communities, she applied for and received a $2,000 grant from the IBM Community Grant Program. The grant funds will be used to purchase new computer equipment for use at our Community Tax Centers.

IBM provides community grants to organizations where IBM employees and retirees volunteer.  To be eligible to apply for funds, volunteers must have at least 40 service hours.

This year, more than 600 volunteers at our Community Tax Centers completed more than 20,000 tax returns resulting in $35.4 million in refunds for our clients. A huge thank you to Terri and  IBM for providing grants for community programs.

Read our Community Tax Centers End of Season Tax Report.

Learn how to Get Involved with Foundation Communities.

A Second Chance to Serve

May 20, 2019 | Posted in Housing, Health | Keywords: , , , ,

The day before his 58th birthday, Veteran Tvan Bryant moved into his new home at Bluebonnet Studios. To him it was a gift from God.

“Life feels different now that I have a roof over my head,” he said. “I have my own place. My own bed, my own kitchen. I’m never hungry anymore.”

Tvan has not always been so lucky. During his life, there have been several times when he didn’t have a place to call home. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon for many veterans living in Austin. The VA directed Tvan to Foundation Communities, where his life turned around.

Bluebonnet Studios is one of our six communities solely for single adults. Free wraparound support services are available on site to help residents like Tvan navigate life and be successful.

During high school, he was an average student who was great at sports. When given the choice to join the military or attend college on sports scholarships, he chose to enlist in the U.S. Army. Through his travels he met and married an “Army brat,” and, they had a daughter. But, after five years, the marriage ended. This was a hard blow for Tvan.

He moved back to Texas seeking a fresh start, but depression led him to drugs, which sadly led him to prison. Tvan lost contact with his daughter and his family.

After he was released, he knew he had to make drastic changes. Today, he is a self-professed addict and alcoholic in recovery for many years. Every day he works to maintain his sobriety, while also managing PTSD from traumas he’s experienced throughout life.

“I don’t think I would be as successful if I didn’t live here. Besides having a case manager, who works right in my building, we have a nurse who regularly visits Bluebonnet,” Tvan explained. “This makes a huge difference for me – just knowing someone is there to check on me and make sure I’m okay.”

Other health programs available to Tvan are stress management classes and yoga classes.

“You really feel like someone cares about you,” Tvan mused.  “And, that alone is a huge help with my stress and anxiety.”

With all the positive changes Tvan’s made in his life, he didn’t hesitate when Foundation Communities asked him to be Bluebonnet Studios’ Community Engagement Specialist.

“This is a great job!  I get to help my neighbors.”

Tvan sets up for special events, hosts movie nights, works with volunteers and assists with the on-site Food Pantry.

“Foundation Communities has really changed my life, in more ways than I can describe,” Tvan reported. “I honestly had gotten to the point where I didn’t want to even be around people. I was just too uncomfortable. But, with my new job, I have to communicate, to connect with the other residents. I get to be of service again. And, I can do it, because I have the support I need right here where I live. I feel healthy and very content. I know I’m a blessed man.”